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The Art of Kathryn Bishop Interview by Jamie Cole

Kathryn Bishop is an American artist based out of Long Beach, California. INSTAGRAM


Her minimalist ink drawings use a combination of soft curves, straight lines, fragile wisps and dots to create simple yet complex portraits of figures. Limited facial expressions force an exaggeration of gesture, body language and movement to portray emotion.  The focus on line weight and precision is greatly influenced by her architectural background.

Kathryn generally doesn’t plan what she is going to draw ahead of time. She starts with a simple gesture line then develops the figure from that. Her work is very self reflective and each completed piece reflects the mood Kathryn was in when she created it.  


While she draws figures of varied shapes and sexes, she finds her voluptuous figures the most powerful. These particular figures emote a confidence and "sassiness" that isn’t reflected in her other work.


“There is nothing more beautiful than confidence. Whether you are a size two or a size 22, your confidence is what people see. I surround myself with confident, powerful women so it’s no surprise that is what inspires me.”  


